Monday, July 21, 2008


NN takes into cruise ship industry boost

One of the country’s premier shipping lines, Negros Navigation has taken into the development of the promising cruise ship industry by offering onboard on-job-training to students taking up hotel and restaurant management (HRM), tourism and stewardship courses.
NN has invited colleges and universities and other institutions to be a partner for the cruise ship learning through its WorkSHIP packages.
The training packages offer vessel orientation with seminars on customer service, personality development, HRM/tourism job opportunities and eco-tourism.
It also provides extensive workshop sessions on housekeeping management, centerpiece making, flower arrangement, table setting, food and beverage management, bar tending, food styling, new trend in food presentation, food service management, entrepreneurial opportunities in food industry, basic tour guiding, tourism advertising, brochure making, ad lay-outing, event management, cake decorating and vegetable carving.
The tours enable the students to onboard discussions being handled by lecturers from the formidable team of Western Visayas group of Tourism and HRM instructors.
NN’s newest offering in the shipping business is geared toward the growing demand for HRM and tourism graduates in the global hospitality industry.
This is so because of the fact that the cruise ship employment market has grown in popularity in the past five years and has increased enrollment of students in institutions with HRM and tourism courses.
And to cater to the industry-based demand, schools have adjusted their curricula to accommodate programs on hospitality management skills.
Likewise, schools have turned to the local shipping lines to provide hands-on training for students gearing for the global cruise ship market.
NN executive vice-president Jose Manuel L. Mapa noted they first introduced a “floating university” concept in the 90’s while the training tours were also suggested by the school deans themselves.
“We have to enhance the deans’ ideas while this is a way to find new usage for our ships. Part of the solution is to respond to on-job-training programs by providing venue for students to prepare and equip them with skills for the real world,” Mapa said.
Mapa also said that NN was the first to bring in the country’s real cruise ship Doña Monserrat that traveled into local tourism sites Sicogon and Gigantes islands in Iloilo and Kalibo as well as international destinations Hong Kong and Indonesia.
“The cruise ship is a booming industry out there. The workers are earning some $2,000 to $3,000 a month. But the problem is that the schools here produce students who have difficulty in finding relative jobs. Thus, the academe should be attuned to the industry needs,” he added.
To address the setback, Mapa said they now provide the “learning atmosphere” for students of this field.
“The students will be able to do first-hand training by manning the front desk, attending to customers’ complaints, preparing foods, setting tables, among others,” said Mapa.
NN was organized and registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) July 26, 1932 for the purpose of transporting passengers and cargo at various ports of call nationwide.
In the 60’s, NN was the first among the domestic shipping companies to operate brand new, fast and luxurious air conditioned passenger ships.
Also, in the 70’s , it was first to construct and operate a modern passenger terminal in Manila’s North Harbor and pioneered in special cruises to the country’s tourist spots using its vessels.
In the 90’s, NN became the first Philippine shipping company to be listed in the stock exchange. Proceeds amounting to P916.86 million from Initial Public Offering (IPO) were utilized to support its “Globalization Program” that involved fleet expansion and service modernization.

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